Springseil Workout – 5 Tricks für Anfänger

Jump Rope Workout - 5 Rricks for Beginners

Reading time: 2 mins

Jumping rope is a classic form of endurance training. TV fitness coach and personal trainer Arne Derricks explains that jumping rope is not only fun, but can also be used effectively as training. He shows you five great exercises to get you started.


Tip 1: The right material
Tip 2: Equipment and underground
Tip 3: The right rope length
Tip 4: The right technique
Tip 5: Variations on the basic jump

Tip 1: The right material

To make the training really fun, it pays to use a really good skipping rope. The skipping rope from the ARTZT Vintage Series offers a number of advantages here: Solid, comfortable wooden handles, the rope is made of heavy leather and connected to the handles with ball bearings. So a really round rope lay is possible. In addition, it can be adjusted in length.

Tip 2: Equipment and underground

In addition to the right rope, the surface also plays an important role: Make sure you wear well-cushioned shoes for training and look for a floor that is not too hard. Wood or rubber flooring or - for those who want to train outside - even a level meadow or soft forest floor are ideal for this. In this way, the ankle and knee joints are not overloaded.

Tip 3: The right rope length

The right rope length also plays a decisive role: Here the ARTZT Vintage Series skipping rope offers the advantage that you can flexibly adjust it to your individual length without having to wrap it around your hand.

You stand with one foot in the middle of the rope, the two ends (not the handles) should reach about chest height. This is the perfect length to make optimal jumps.

Tip 4: The right technique

Before you start, stand parallel, your arms are slightly rotated outwards, palms facing forward. When jumping, the actual movement comes from the wrist, less from the shoulder joint.

At the beginning you swing the rope with one hand on the outside of your body, both handles in this hand. Now swing the rope evenly, your elbows close to your body. Note the impact as the rope hits the ground. That's the rhythm.

Now you jump in rhythm with the one-arm swing to familiarize yourself with the jumping rhythm. It is important that you never land with your entire foot on the ground, but with small, plyometric jumps on the balls of your feet. This is much easier on the joints and more comfortable!

For the two-legged base jump, grab the rope behind your heels, swing the rope with your wrist, and jump in small, quick movements without lifting too far off the ground. You will quickly find your own rhythm, even if the rope may get tangled in your feet or head at first.

Train at intervals of 1 minute jumping, 30 seconds rest for at least 5 to 10 minutes to achieve a training effect.

Let's continue with the running jump popular with boxers. Starting with the basic jump, you now vary by alternately pulling your heels up when the other foot is on the ground, creating something like a running movement.

Tip 5: Variations on the basic jump

So that the training does not become boring once you have mastered the basic and running jump perfectly, you can incorporate further variations that make the training more demanding and varied.

Here, for example, the twist is a good idea, in which you rotate from the hips sideways into a turning movement, or the cross over, here the arms and thus the rope are crossed in front of the body.

As you can see: With the vintage skipping rope, you have many different options for warming up before training or generally getting your endurance in shape. With this simple workout you will not only get fitter, but also form a slim silhouette. Well then go!

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