Vintage Blog

Rope skipping - 5 tricks for beginners
Five tricks for your skipping rope workout with personal trainer Arne Derricks.
Rope skipping - 5 tricks for beginners
Five tricks for your skipping rope workout with personal trainer Arne Derricks.

Leather - cleaning and care
The natural product is long-lasting and undemanding, but needs a little care from time to time in order to remain attractive and functional for many years.
Leather - cleaning and care
The natural product is long-lasting and undemanding, but needs a little care from time to time in order to remain attractive and functional for many years.

Exercise Mat - 10 Exercises for a Toned Body
Ten top exercises with the vintage exercise mat and personal trainer Arne Derricks.
Exercise Mat - 10 Exercises for a Toned Body
Ten top exercises with the vintage exercise mat and personal trainer Arne Derricks.

Boxing - How to Train Properly
Proper boxing with the vintage punching bag and personal trainer Arne Derricks.
Boxing - How to Train Properly
Proper boxing with the vintage punching bag and personal trainer Arne Derricks.

Medicine Ball Workout in 5 Minutes
Nine top exercises with vintage medicine ball and personal trainer Arne Derricks.
Medicine Ball Workout in 5 Minutes
Nine top exercises with vintage medicine ball and personal trainer Arne Derricks.

Full body workout with vintage training equipment
Exercises for the whole body with various vintage tools and personal trainer Arne Derricks.
Full body workout with vintage training equipment
Exercises for the whole body with various vintage tools and personal trainer Arne Derricks.